Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where have I been???

Yikes! I told myself that I was going to keep up with this blog a little better than the last. So far, I am failing to do just that. I have been busy, busy, busy. I am in my second to last semester of nursing school and since its during the summer, a normally 16 week semester is crammed into 10 weeks leaving me a stressed mess. I am holding my own and doing very well, lets just pray I continue to do so.

Other updates:

 Veda is doing very well. She is talking non-stop from the time she is awake until the time she goes to bed. She is a big story teller and I LOVE to listen. She is potty training and doing wonderful at it. Most days she has no accidents but is still refusing to go number 2 on the potty. This summer she is enjoying swimming and playing at the park.

Grayson is growing and growing and I wish I could pause time for a moment. He is beginning to sit up with support, smiles all the time, and is such a momma's boy. He also loves his big sister. She always puts a smile on his face. These two babes melt my heart!