Saturday, February 9, 2013

Who needs a couch.....

When you have a Lego bucket to sit in and watch cartoons!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where have I been???

Yikes! I told myself that I was going to keep up with this blog a little better than the last. So far, I am failing to do just that. I have been busy, busy, busy. I am in my second to last semester of nursing school and since its during the summer, a normally 16 week semester is crammed into 10 weeks leaving me a stressed mess. I am holding my own and doing very well, lets just pray I continue to do so.

Other updates:

 Veda is doing very well. She is talking non-stop from the time she is awake until the time she goes to bed. She is a big story teller and I LOVE to listen. She is potty training and doing wonderful at it. Most days she has no accidents but is still refusing to go number 2 on the potty. This summer she is enjoying swimming and playing at the park.

Grayson is growing and growing and I wish I could pause time for a moment. He is beginning to sit up with support, smiles all the time, and is such a momma's boy. He also loves his big sister. She always puts a smile on his face. These two babes melt my heart!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

4 Months

I'm a little late in posting because I have been extremely busy with my fast paced semester and my kiddos. I cannot believe how fast the time is going with Grayson. It seems like just yesterday I was delivering him. He is such a blessing. He loves to snuggle with mommy, be carried in the sleepy wrap, smiles all the time, and has finally begun to share a giggle or two with us!! He is growing like a weed. I won't have his stats until next week after his 4 month appointment but I believe he is approaching doubling his weight. He is still nursing like a champ and I have no plans on starting him on solids anytime soon. It's funny that as soon as your baby turns 4 months, everyone is questioning when solids will start. Honestly, babies do not need to start on solids as long as they are nursing well the first full year. I will wait until at least 6 months to introduce veggies. I am in no rush for him to grow up.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


There is nothing better than a baby's giggle and although he hasn't done it since.....Grayson finally gave a big giggle on the May 25th. He coo's and "talks" to me all the time and gives these heart warming smiles that just make me melt. I will try and get some pictures up soon. I'm going to try and take some decent 4 month pictures in the next couple days.....yep you heard me. 4 months already (insert frown here). Time is flying by and I just want it to stand still.

Monday, May 24, 2010

So close.....yet so far away

In 6 1/2 months I will finally be able to call myself an RN. For those of you who don't know, I have been in and out of college since I graduated high school, which seems like many moons ago. So far I have achieved an associate of science and a phlebotomy certificate. None of which took me anywhere in life, except maybe a little more in debt. Shortly after Veda was born I went back to school, only this time I chose nursing school. At the beginning it was very hard to see any kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Nursing school is nothing like college. The testing is different, there are skill competencies, and tons of homework that doesn't count until you have a high enough grade on exams to pass the class. Somehow, I am proud to say that I have managed to hold a 3.8 GPA....I missed a 4.0 in ONE class by 1%.......irritating. So, in 61/2 months I hope to be posting graduation pictures. Can you wish me some luck?? I'm thinking I might need a little of that this semester...please?? Thanks in advance!

Friday, May 21, 2010


My husband and I have decided to try the workout program P90X and today marks the finish of our first week! I am very proud of myself. Along with this new exercise routine I have once again taken on the challenge of weight watchers. I am on day 5 and have not gone over my points. I will weigh in every Sunday. I am thinking of posting a before and after picture but I don't know if I am that brave! I started the program last Sunday weighing 170.4......can't believe I am posting that......ah well....who cares. Its easier to do this whole thing since my hubby and I are being healthy together. I hope to continue to post about the outcome of my hard work!

Other changes that are taking place include friendships. I am feeling a little bitter about this one. Its a sad day when you realize you only have ONE truly amazing friend. I feel like I have always put so much effort into friendships and get very little back....and really??? you shouldn't have to put effort into being a friend, right? I think maybe that is too much for some to handle, but for me, that is the kind of friends I like to surround myself with. I am not a girl that likes drama. I have been out of high school many, many, many years and quite frankly I don't want to revisit. Ok. Vent over. I'm good now. Thanks blog for being here when I need you most! LOL.............................

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Babies

 Grayson Joseph 3 1/2 months
 Veda Elizabeth 2yrs 4 months