Tuesday, June 8, 2010

4 Months

I'm a little late in posting because I have been extremely busy with my fast paced semester and my kiddos. I cannot believe how fast the time is going with Grayson. It seems like just yesterday I was delivering him. He is such a blessing. He loves to snuggle with mommy, be carried in the sleepy wrap, smiles all the time, and has finally begun to share a giggle or two with us!! He is growing like a weed. I won't have his stats until next week after his 4 month appointment but I believe he is approaching doubling his weight. He is still nursing like a champ and I have no plans on starting him on solids anytime soon. It's funny that as soon as your baby turns 4 months, everyone is questioning when solids will start. Honestly, babies do not need to start on solids as long as they are nursing well the first full year. I will wait until at least 6 months to introduce veggies. I am in no rush for him to grow up.